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Locked eviction
the capitalist crisis INSOLVENT
& # 160; Poor Italy homeless
According Bankitalia 5 per cent of households can not pay the mortgage payments. in 2010 is booming foreclosures . Bankitalia warns el'Adusbef takes the load. So the economic emergency falls on families that make the tree on the day of the Immaculate and is reflected heavily on the issue home. difficulties to pay the mortgage were in fact translated into a boom in foreclosures that is experiencing its highest point this year, connected to the same property acquired by the above calculator. Estimates say that about 3 million 350 thousand and 600 thousand mortgages are suffering and 150 thousand Foreclosure proceedings: A total of 28 thousand in 2010, a sharp increase on the 2009 figure of 21 thousand and 20 thousand in 2008. major upsurge in executions in Turin are real estate (+54.8%), Milan (+48.3%) and Genoa (+46.8%), while larger increases in foreclosures are in Milan (+1592) in Turin (+930) and Rome (+728).
The boom in real estate foreclosures and executions, with estimated increases in 2010 compared to 2009, from a low of 13.8 to + Rovigo; 13.9% in Venice, + 16.1% in Forlì, in Vicenza + 16.7, + 18.1% in Perugia; + 18.7% in Padua, Reggio Emilia 20.1%; followed by Modena + 21.7% + 23.7% Naples, Florence + 25.2% + 25.9% Brescia, Palermo + 28.6% + 29.9% Lecce; to move to higher values Torino + 54.8% + 48.3% Milan, Genoa +46.8% + 42.3% Como.
The largest increases in foreclosures were reported in Milan (+1592, which then amounted to 4885), followed by Turin + 930 with a total of 2627), Rome (+ 728, with a Total of 2703), Monza (+ 424, with a total of 1,539; Verona + 425 for a total of 1,996, Bergamo (+ 416, equal to 1586); Lecce + 365 for a total of 1,586; Brescia (+ 290 with a total of 1,408), Genoa + 336 with a total of 1,053, Bari (+ 340 IRI 1390), Florence (+199, which amount to 987) 168 1067 + Padua foreclosures.
The identikit of the family in difficulty
December 8, 2010 ROME - The parents- single with children, with a temporary contract temporary, no-work and people on low incomes. Map of difficulty 'to the power of families with mortgage payments and ' drawn from a multiplication table contained in the study published by researchers Pico Raffaella and Silvia Magri Bank of Italy. Italy, with 4.9% of families who can not pay the installments , and 'already' at the top - along with Spain - the seven European countries examined by the survey. But the percentage shoots a lot more 'in the view show up when the first difficulties'. So 'an unemployed person in five of those who contract a loan fails to honor its debt (19%): just look beyond the Alps to discover that the rate of French insolvency for the unemployed stood at 5.4% instead, a clear sign of support policies. But it is not 'lose their jobs need to be in trouble'. Among the Italians who have a part-time contracts and the percentage of non-payers' 8, 5% and stops at 7.9% for those with a temporary contract type. But, contrary to what one might think, young people are not to be in trouble, 'but rather' families headed by a person aged 45 to 54 years: 6.1% and 'the percentage of default, against 2.8% 35.Tengono instead of under-retirees with 3.7 cases per 100 people who can not pay the installment. The type of family influence: a single-parent in 10 of those who enter into the calculator trap of default, while the percentage drops to 6.3% if both parents are. Needless to say, if the income and 'low, then the risk of not being able to pay and' even more 'high: 14.5% of those who belong to low-income citizens are also in the impossibility' of paying the mortgage payment. Here, in a table, the percentage of non-payment of mortgages in Italy in the various categories of borrowers, calculated by the Bank of Italy on a EU-SILC income updated to 2009 to 2007.
-Age below 35 years
2.8% between 45 and 54 years & # 160; , 6.1% more than
65 years & # 160; 3.7%
a family-type adult without children 2.8%
two adults without children & # 160; 3.1%
single with children ; 10.1%
couples with children & # 160; 6.3%
full time work status , & # 160; 4.5%
part time & # 160; 8.5%
disoccupato ; 19.0%
pensioners & # 160; ; 3.5%
-type contract & permanent # 160; 4.4%
term ; 7.9% --------------------------------
-------- TOTAL BORROWERS 4.9%
much as 91% of unemployed income families in Italy are considered at risk of poverty
The crisis seems to have produced its perverse effects on one component of the labor market, the youth in 2009, among the employed aged 15-34 have lost about 485,000 jobs (-6 , 8%) and the first two quarters of 2010 if they are burned almost a further 400,000 (-5.9%). Conversely, if we exclude the band immediately following the 35-44 years old, and is also where 'a decrease in the level of employment (-1.1% between 2008 and 2009 and -0.7% in 2010),
16.3% of the population belonging to age group' of between 15 and 34 years is innate, not studying, not working and not 'even committed to finding a job. Young, took over the Censis, those who are more 'on their skin have experienced the burden of the crisis in the first two quarters of 2010 and' a decrease of There is between 15 and 34 years of 5.9%, compared to an average decrease of 0.9%. Among them, the people who are not engaged in an activity 'study, they have a job, do not seek and do not seem interested in finding is 2,242,000, a universe of 16.3% and this percentage rises 19.2% in the age 'between 25 and 34 years. They are mainly women, with a low level of education (51.5% at most middle school) and mainly from the South (60.3%).
EU - Homeless: youth, women and immigrants
am mostly young people, especially women, immigrants or asylum seekers or victims of family disintegration. This is the identikit of the homeless in many EU countries. Living in emergency facilities, temporary accommodation or in transition, with friends or guests in the family, threatened with eviction, or in inadequate housing or unsafe. The problem of homeless and 'at the center of the Consensus Conference on homelessness that has' opened today in Brussels, and will conclude tomorrow with the participation of all representatives of European countries to confront the common problem of emergency housing and high exclusion social. The phenomenon of homelessness is common throughout Europe, despite the serious shortcomings of data in fact - to highlight the organizations that deal with these people - the problem of emergency housing and social causes of these people so far-reaching negative impact on stakeholders, as on society as a whole. A reality ', the homeless, complex and involving individuals and families in various stages of their life, for periods of varying length and different ways. the most visible form of extreme poverty and exclusion and is available in different types, which have the common factor of the absolute insecurity, emotional, employment and housing. There are many causes of this phenomenon that include personal factors, institutional factors, structural factors. Who are the homeless in Europe? The stereotype of the homeless is represented by a single man, usually middle-aged man who sleeps on the street. The composition of the homeless population today is gradually evolving towards an increasing number of homeless young people, mostly women, victims of family disintegration, immigrants and asylum seekers.
Do not let PROLETARIANS COME IN EXTREME POVERTY awareness will be damaged