Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Denture Is Turning Black

26/06/2007 - Race canceled

Route: Palermo-Sciacca Departure time: 16:15
you die with the heat these days we needed them too that make you wait unnecessarily at the bus stop. After about half an hour of waiting ... and phones that tell you? The bus had a problem and will start late ..

What time do I ...? At 17:15

.... Miss answered on the other end of the phone
Have you deleted ... since then at 17:15 there is already another bus replied .... No, it's just delayed
.... she says
Vaffa But ..... I think ... and hung up!
So they canceled the run of 16:15 .... we just hope for tomorrow! The excuse did not work .... the air conditioning .... As if it was the first time!


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