Friday, October 12, 2007

Penis Check Female Doctor

13/10/2007 - Not only is critical!

What this site is a site of protest and that's it. This BLOG must be a place where travelers can tell his experience both positive
negative. Here there are many negative reports but you have to acknowledge the good will 'of the company that has improved the service over the years, but surely there is still much to do after considering the numerous reports. Certainly be appreciated and praised the new buses more 'roomy and comfortable

, but probably not enough. If everything was perfect ... no one would complain. One thing is 'certain: the Palermo-Sciacca is very crowded and the service probably is not over' sufficient and should be expanded.

The company can not 'be left alone and should be the institutions to acknowledge the problem and try to improve public service though managed by a private firm.

So we all work together and have a spirit of constructive criticism.


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