Saturday, December 22, 2007

Where Can I Buy Lux Soap Flakes

are angry

Mysterious Jaime anonymous project, supervised by Aka Bear

meanwhile, takes the form of project Nixon 3 (4.5 ..) Akab with the same markers and Munk to shampoo.
working title "since the return of the dark cop" (Miller and between us ..)

And the project, again with Nixon3 Elia Bonetti drawings, sending home all. (These are the only chine, but when you get the color ..).

Communication Service: Raw, if you're reading, look for the story I wrote at home and I left on your desk. That will open new doors of perception! Baby Socrates rulez!

I close.

Get a live Whittaker, mescolaci the English pop fresh cool Kate Nash, Radiohead put us complaining about the new record, Morgan has found what to say and boom! Pre-Christmas playlist, and you think milan a nice place to live.


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