Sunday, September 14, 2008

Acqua Velva Dopobarba


Some 'time ago, about a year or so, it was raining, and Akab called me to go to him.
Arrival and puts me in a big hand wallet black, those with transparent envelopes.

"Inside, she says, there's Morgue. It 's the number 5.
The first 3 came out with the shok study.
E' a character of mine, and Tatjana.
In the 3rd he dies.
In 4 °, which is not out yet, God meets Morgue
This is the 5th. Morgue that God tells pua return to earth. But first he must teach what he learned about life, the child will welcome. To do the talking of death. "
"cool, I say, but there are no texts, let me see that I am curious to read trip!"
"Well, as you put them there, otherwise you came to do."

Ok, I do not remember what happened, But it was nice to tell.
Perhaps I should also put the sulphurous smoke into the room and a beam of light that catches me.

However, hundreds of colored post-it later, I did my part.
I wrote (in reverse) this book are three chapters of 24 pages that talk about death, God, mutation, teeth, blood, fairy tales, shit and carnival.
The usual things.
will come out sooner or later, you do not know how, but do not know where it comes out.
Below is an excerpt and two drawings.

Any information to come.

Page 2:
Silence, please.
We are about to begin.
Do not get comfortable, it's useless.
not try to prepare you for what you are going to attend, it is impossible.

Page 3: (Morgue and Bimbo)
Morgue: Welcome to the loyal subjects of the realm of the gaze.
You are here for!
Why I'm here to show.
Bimbo: as you are boring

Page 4:
panel 1: (Morgue): major properties of language to a dwarf who is believed zorro
panel 2: (Morgue): What a good boy, you have also brought an apple to your teacher
Vignette 4: (Morgue): Gentlemen!
The show that I am going to show you is the most noble and benevolent you will ever see.

Page 5:
(Morgue) exhausting the simplicity of being alive.

Page 6: - no-

Page 7:
Tom: Now, I know that I do not think Bob
Bob: In fact, Tom, if you're going to tell me another one of your stories ...
Tom: No Bob, I swear this is true.

Page 8:
panel 1: (Tom) In short, they called us yesterday. In the evening, I say. We have called the relatives of a guy who had not heard for two weeks, no?
panel 2: (Tom) Well, I mean, come. The entire scale was plagued, there was that smell ... really, you could not stay. Residents thought it was some pipe exploded, had also called bleeding ...
panel 3: (Tom) and instead, when the firemen broke down the door, found our guy. There sText. The coroner says that when he finished with his face in the bowl was still alive, though unconscious.

Page 9:
(Bob): You are telling the truth, Tom?
(Tom): Yes Bob, I swear. That guy is drowning in the bowl of the dog. If he had not had the door if they would have eaten that poor beast.

(Bob): Yeah, Tom. There are more things in heaven and earth ...
(Tom): What, Bob?
(Bob): I do not know, I never remember how it ends ...

Page 10:
(Tom) I read about an octogenarian who has committed suicide by hanging from a rope in his kitchen
(Tom) had only to wait a little and avoided the trouble of climbing on the stool
Page 11:
(Baby) But how do you know these things, Lord ?
(Morgue) How do I? Have told me.
(Bimbo) ... But
(Morgue) I have many friends, I, you know?

Page 12 panel 1: (Morgue) Once a guy told me that he died
Life is like falling, until you are flying is OK
panel 2: (Morgue) wake up in the morning. Set your alarm, scroll to the newspaper, make money, looking for someone, have children, drive a car, rent DVD, choose your fabric softener
These things do not prepare you to touch the ground. You do not know when it will happen, and even if you could know, that would be different? What you can do to prevent your brain exploded mingle with the faeces that are inside your gut?

Page 13:
panel 1: (Morgue) So when you realize that he is alive, you feel the ants on my back.
panel 2: (Morgue) Understand that
panel 3: (Morgue) You can make a prediction, but whether you win or lose whether you
Vignette 4: (Morgue) Your ticket is enjoying the other guy.


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