Sunday, November 23, 2008

Desert How Much Does It Cost To Rent A Kiosk

Big John

News these days is supported by the new test Valentino Rossi at the wheel of Ferrari's Formula 1.Il champion on two wheels has shot for two days at the Mugello resulting in discrete time and confirming that probably could have been a good driver in Formula 1, although it appears now from the possibility of see him driving a Ferrari into something more than a few sporadic test.L 'eclecticism of Rossi, while commendable, must not forget that years ago the transition from two to four wheels was well consolidata.Clamorosi practice cases of pre-war Nuvolari and Varzi, the most recent and crowned with some success in Brambilla, Hailwood and Cecotto, as well as the famous flop of the great James Agostini.Ma certain that the pilot was able to pass the most successful was the Englishman John Surtees, nicknamed "Big John". Born in 1934, John ran with the bike from '52 to '60, graduating with the sample 350 in '58, '59 and '60 and the 500 four times ('56 , '58, '59, '60). also triumphed three times in a row to the legendary Tourist Trophy.A 26 years the change, the transition to the four ruote.Surtees proves right at home debut in Formula 1 in the 196th; the second appearance by Lotus in England is the second and third race in Portugal has already pole.Il in 1961 driving a Cooper, is a learning year and gets only four punti.L Surtees' year after leading the most competitive Lola achieve different positions and thrilling second place at the Nurburgring where the employment earning below the water 1963.Al with Ferrari for the first year with the Reds win their Big John at the Ring, but there is nothing against the rule of Clark's Lotus and is again quarto.Il '64 is a good year, with two wins and a bit 'of luck (and help Bandini that eliminates the last race before Hill and then gives him the second place) Surtees is standard and is the first time and for the last hour that a driver world champion on the degree two and four ruote.Il 1965 vintage is disappointing and English is only fifth, while the '66 is the year in which collaboration with the Maranello is suddenly because of a story now buried in the dust the years, and strangely reminiscent of the recent spy story that has seen opposing Mclaren and Ferrari.Il result is that stable pilot thrown away a golden opportunity to repeat the World '64; Surtees, who meanwhile moved to Cooper, however, won two races and eventually secondo.Il ' 67 sees the move to Honda, with whom John scored his last victory and fourth place finale.Inizia a slow decline, characterized by the last challenge of his adventurous career, the creation of a stable of his own career Formula 1.La Surtees as the manufacturer is fluctuating, the best result came in 1972 when another former rider, Mike Hailwood won the Formula 2, but the rewards in the premier class is scarce, as well as the resources available to John and closes 1978.Il his record shop in particular resists forty-four years now and can hardly be equaled.


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