Sunday, April 12, 2009

Japanese Chocopan Recipe

On August 4, 1957, the legendary Nurburgring circuit, Juan Manuel Fangio, arguably the strongest rider of all time, scored the most amazing comeback of his career and perhaps of all races in Formula 1 . When you have 10 tracks of the 22-lap his victory seems impossible, because the Argentine for a problem while filling has lost the beauty of 50, leaving to the go-ahead two Ferraris of Hawthorn and 801 to Collins.Addirittura Maserati on his back when the Argentine champion has a moment of hesitation, it seems like she wanted to abandon the competition, then you see it for a moment confabulation with his manager, Giambertone, and share more determined that mai.La decided tactic is as simple as audacious: to turn quiet for a couple of laps, so the box to give the impression that the Ferrari race is already decided, and then unleash a surprise tracking, counting that the path is along the Eifel chilometri.Così almost 23 to 14. you have the Ferrari around the lead with almost 50 "lead, when the box comes the order to not force beckons to Hawthorn and Collins to feel comfortable that fighting for the race vittoria.La seems determined, but at that point Fangio unleashes his merciless pursuit, with a guide describing how the present laws of physics to the limits of the Argentine champion start earning a second every lap manciate.Ad time decreases, up to 20. lap, when Fangio marks the time trial "unprecedented" in the words of Hawthorn, a 9'17 "4, less than eight seconds of the pole! When are still two laps to go, Fangio puts the two Ferrari and starts undisturbed to appreciate his most legendary triumph. "Peter and I-remember-Hawthorn resorting to every trick known to us to save the second, but Fangio went on to get ruthless." For its part, five-time world champion says: "Today I did things I'd ever done and I will not ever drive that way."


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