Friday, December 19, 2008

Adult Bookstores In Nashville, Tn.

The young men of rockit have asked a bit 'of people to illustrate the pages of their annual budget.
I did these tests, who knows what will happen to them.

Mah knows

Monday, December 15, 2008

1966 Epiphone Casino For Sale


Lascimmia03 is now running out. We
Here's a bit 'of my contribution to the cause. A little

(the third is the story written and drawn by Akab me, the 4th is a illustrazine Francesco Cattani for the story written by me)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rash On My Babies Feet

working hard

in order: Scrubs

editorial lascimmia03
for the finder to the folder of my story for lascimmia03
a page for the finder of the backup folder of stories
this page
a table of test marine
my story to a draft layout for my story illustrated by cattani for lascimmia03


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Desert How Much Does It Cost To Rent A Kiosk

Big John

News these days is supported by the new test Valentino Rossi at the wheel of Ferrari's Formula 1.Il champion on two wheels has shot for two days at the Mugello resulting in discrete time and confirming that probably could have been a good driver in Formula 1, although it appears now from the possibility of see him driving a Ferrari into something more than a few sporadic test.L 'eclecticism of Rossi, while commendable, must not forget that years ago the transition from two to four wheels was well consolidata.Clamorosi practice cases of pre-war Nuvolari and Varzi, the most recent and crowned with some success in Brambilla, Hailwood and Cecotto, as well as the famous flop of the great James Agostini.Ma certain that the pilot was able to pass the most successful was the Englishman John Surtees, nicknamed "Big John". Born in 1934, John ran with the bike from '52 to '60, graduating with the sample 350 in '58, '59 and '60 and the 500 four times ('56 , '58, '59, '60). also triumphed three times in a row to the legendary Tourist Trophy.A 26 years the change, the transition to the four ruote.Surtees proves right at home debut in Formula 1 in the 196th; the second appearance by Lotus in England is the second and third race in Portugal has already pole.Il in 1961 driving a Cooper, is a learning year and gets only four punti.L Surtees' year after leading the most competitive Lola achieve different positions and thrilling second place at the Nurburgring where the employment earning below the water 1963.Al with Ferrari for the first year with the Reds win their Big John at the Ring, but there is nothing against the rule of Clark's Lotus and is again quarto.Il '64 is a good year, with two wins and a bit 'of luck (and help Bandini that eliminates the last race before Hill and then gives him the second place) Surtees is standard and is the first time and for the last hour that a driver world champion on the degree two and four ruote.Il 1965 vintage is disappointing and English is only fifth, while the '66 is the year in which collaboration with the Maranello is suddenly because of a story now buried in the dust the years, and strangely reminiscent of the recent spy story that has seen opposing Mclaren and Ferrari.Il result is that stable pilot thrown away a golden opportunity to repeat the World '64; Surtees, who meanwhile moved to Cooper, however, won two races and eventually secondo.Il ' 67 sees the move to Honda, with whom John scored his last victory and fourth place finale.Inizia a slow decline, characterized by the last challenge of his adventurous career, the creation of a stable of his own career Formula 1.La Surtees as the manufacturer is fluctuating, the best result came in 1972 when another former rider, Mike Hailwood won the Formula 2, but the rewards in the premier class is scarce, as well as the resources available to John and closes 1978.Il his record shop in particular resists forty-four years now and can hardly be equaled.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cost To Repaint Front Bumper Of Mustang

On June 3, 1984 Monaco, home of the sixth Grand Prix Formula 1 season, wakes up in a real diluvio.I riders have never ridden for the entire order week under water and in the warm-up off the road one another, to the surprise faster Lauda, \u200b\u200ba pilot after the events of the '76 Fuji, considered the most allergic to water, followed by a spectacular De Cesaris.Tra the first faces the young Ayrton Senna, Brazil's promise of Toleman, who hopes thanks to rain luce.La rain to get in swing continues until the beginning of the race, so a flood in Monaco did not remember the edition of 1972, one of the only victory Beltoise and last triumph of BRM.Prima departure pilots seek and obtain that the trucks allaghino the asphalt under the tunnel to avoid the difference in conditions that are part tratto.Finalmente, Prost (other driver not too comfortable in the wet) got away well from pole and above Mansell, behind them the two colliding Renault also involving Patrese and De Angelis, to have the worse it will be back Tambay that the fracture of the fibula. During the first round leaves the stage for an even touched De Cesaris, the protagonist can under water. Time ten laps and Mansell, fast in the flood with the Lotus, it leads to comando.Mansell is the fifth year of Formula 1, but not yet with great satisfaction and Monte Carlo seems to be his big day arrived, but the fifteenth lap, on the slope leading to the Casino, the Black Lotus is in English acquaplaining, skewing is knocking down barriers and breaks a sospensione.Al command shows Prost, with a lead of half a minute the excellent Lauda, \u200b\u200bwhile at the back you bring into light to the sound of overtaking the two young talents that year, Senna and Bellof Tyrrell.Il with the Brazilian, who started thirteenth, when visibility is impossible to reach and exceed drivers like Rosberg, Lauda Arnoux and even outside Saint Devote.Al twentieth lap Senna was second to more than half a minute to Prost, but is literally unleashed, earns second failure while behind him, as does Bellof. Meanwhile, even Lauda is a victim of the terrible conditions of the asphalt, the casino turns committing one of his rare mistakes and ritira.Dopo thirty laps Prost still about ten seconds on the Seine, but the rain increased and the Brazilian also come to earn giro.Quando four seconds to the next hook seems, the race director (who is Jacky Ickx, ironically, Rainmaker in his time), waving the red flag and stopped the race with a decision that will unleash thousands of controversy. In fact, Ickx was then pilot nell'Endurance official Porsche, Prost and McLaren's engine was equipped with Porsche, but you will not go further than mere suspicion, and the rest of the rain was really tremenda.Al Toleman box gets party, while it is true Senna Prost who was about to reach the other few people know that the Brazilian in his frantic comeback was slightly damaged a suspension, and technicians at the box were apprehensive because there were still advance without interruption for 47 laps then finire.A Bellof was perhaps the most corrupt, which was running even faster than Senna with Tyrrell in perfect working order, but let's not forget that soon after the glorious British team will be excluded for irregularities techniques, and the results erased, including the beautiful podium Monaco.Prost is obviously beaming for the prestigious statement, never imagined that the world will lose half a point, and that at the end of the six points of a second full he would have been much more useful of the four and a half of his triumph halved.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

White Cotton Gloves Archives

François Cevert: 35 years after

Thirty years have passed since that October 6, 1973, when a terrible accident at Watkins Glen deprived France and Formula 1 drivers of one of its most skilled and popular , by all accounts a future world champion: François Cévert.Madre Nature was been very generous with this son of Nazi-occupied Paris (he was born February 25, 1944), scion of a wealthy family, beautiful film as an actor, with talent equal to the rail as on the piano keys, at the height career was a true idol of the French girls and was in the limelight for a rumored romance with Brigitte Bardot.Iniziò pushed to run from the future in-law, Jean Pierre Beltoise, against the wishes of the family, putting in light immediately in Formula 3 and, ' 69, in the formula 2.Immediato debut in the highest category on March nel'70 Tyrrell team, after the sudden withdrawal of Servoz Gavin (who is also the protagonist of an extraordinary story, which sooner or later we will talk) and on the advice the great Stewart.E François rode in '71 to make the official team from second to Jackie. That year the rates were Tyrrell, Stewart won by dominating the iris and Cevert just the first full season, won third place in the world and the first race at Watkins Glen.Il '72 season was a disappointing and François was only sixth with 15 points, of that year, remembers the second place in Le Mans on Matra.Nel 1973, Tyrrell returns to the car to beat and Cevert proves to have been fully learned the tricks of Stewart and now to be His livello.Per finished second six times, on some occasions (such as the difficult Nurburgring) seems faster than his team leader, but disciplined, the merely to escort traguardo.Stewart has already decided to retire from sample to end of the year, even if the only Tyrrell are aware of it, and all are in agreement that the '74 will be the year of Cevert, but, as they say in these cases, the fate is in agguato.Il October 6 we run the final race at Watkins Glen, the very fast track of his only trionfo.Alla them up the hill Cevert loses control of Tyrrell for reasons never found, The crash was violent and a wheel come off the ends on the head; François died on colpo.Si speak of mechanical failure, of illness (she had vomited just before) or simply approached a curve too fast, but the real cause was never clarified and of Moreover, little importa.La Tyrrell team withdrew and so Stewart will not run his last race, was the Scottish centesimo.Lo is extremely impressed by the death of his young dolphin, nevertheless makes a strange gesture: when the evidence comes down to resume track and off the seventh time. "I could not stop it" shall declare to those who asked why he came back on track after the death of his friend.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hand Sign Thumb And Pinky


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Catholic Wedding Program Template

24 ORENI ⚒

with Nicole and I attended the 24hic Gabri.
A full 24-page comic in 24 hours.
What in reality has been that c'abbiamo spent a dozen hours. Why we are scoundrels .
However, the results are there. Here
a bit 'of my tables. On their blog and flickr
those jaime and Akaba. the links are there

Friday, October 10, 2008

Slow French Song By A Man

Old oil-canvas
Marcello Mogni 2007-08

Depeche Mode One Night In Paris Stream

hysterical laughter oil-canvas
Marcello Mogni 2007/08

Depression Posttraumatic oil-canvas
Marcello Mogni 2007/08

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Small Dune Buggy Plans Free

One thing the two - particularly
Marcello Mogni 2005/08

One thing the two oil-cloth cm.90x70
Marcello Mogni 2005 / 08

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can You Give Klonipen


Working with Akab is always a pleasure.
why I continue to do so.
I finished the lyrics to "Sakara - Snakes in the walls, which will end within Redux No. 2 that will come to Lucca to the wonderful super-woman who is Silvana and her Grrrzetic .

For lascimmia03 are also grappling with new 13-page review of a mythology and visiontaria, behind the likes of Horace and Pavese (sticazzi!).
Title: "Black Drift."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

At Work With Nadine Milena Velba


- but at least you loved me?
- I loved you ... It is a big thing to say ... say that I loved you ...
- mmm ... Tell me more! I need to know more!
- Listen, I gotta go, I do not ever call pi ˘ to please.
- but I ... I need!
- I do not.
- if you do not hear more ... ˘ I die!
- ...
- ...
- you porterÚ flowers.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Plan B Taking Too Much


The first 100 meters are needles in the chest and tar in the mouth, but then you get used to, and more relaxing.
Occhei, relaxing perhaps not the right word.
But it is something nearby.
Who would have thought that these domestic routes could give so much .. empty.
It is not a great result, well, give the vacuum.
But it is a stuff that is so ... zen. Crawling
feet, knees crawling to the edges of the buildings, the feeling is different.
That is, even there it feels empty.
But that is filling a vacuum, and filling, needless to say, empty.
Maybe you got here is not the best time to light a cigarette.
But if one did things only at the best time ..
ores cough is fatter than usual.
the third shot the cigarette is in the mud, and there are three crosses up there.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fuji Fp-100c Compatible Cameras


I light up, carefully, a cigarette on the gas stove.
I'm out of bed. That
read that you warm with all that anger.
it continue to fill spots mascara.
My feet are cold, do not even try to warm them, I do not have enough strength to search for socks.

I sit.
I focuses on the same things, again.
The white sky, the sky of milk, the sky above the gray walls of the courtyard. On
fake white marble, which never seems clean.
And that leaves the tissues around.
An empty bottle of milk on the table.
bread of yesterday locked in an airtight container.
dirty pans and a coffee pot with the bottom inside over the stove.

will fill the tank slowly, pour the soap a dark green water that is deposited on the bottom and the awkward start to unfold and to white foam.
I'll be naked and run for home.
Perhaps the lady of the house in front could see me.
"Well?" It's got a husband? Or a child? Do not pretend to be scandalized, There's nothing here that you have not already seen. "
I feel Bogart, so tough talk, even if only with myself.

speck of china, of ecoline, coffee and dirty water on my gray trousers from home, laid out to dry brush over the sink along with the cutlery.
A dirty cutting board with the cheese sandwich that I prepared before leaving home.
Two cups, six cups, four spoons, a plate, a knife and a fork.
in the sink, I mean.

I found the street, returning drunk, an old typewriter.
I collected, I took her home and tried to write, it worked.
The letter reminds me of 22 a barbed green jacket, a cigarette in spring and the grease head.
but I do not think that I've ever had.

Three jars of jam, fresh grapes and a pomegranate, and two tagged fish, three types of cheese and half a pack of bacon diced sweet.
The archaeological survey of my refrigerator. What is our

morning me and I'll scratch my back I bite my neck, hard. Forte. Maybe I
the signs, try to look after.
I am a bit 'stomach hurt.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Acqua Velva Dopobarba


Some 'time ago, about a year or so, it was raining, and Akab called me to go to him.
Arrival and puts me in a big hand wallet black, those with transparent envelopes.

"Inside, she says, there's Morgue. It 's the number 5.
The first 3 came out with the shok study.
E' a character of mine, and Tatjana.
In the 3rd he dies.
In 4 °, which is not out yet, God meets Morgue
This is the 5th. Morgue that God tells pua return to earth. But first he must teach what he learned about life, the child will welcome. To do the talking of death. "
"cool, I say, but there are no texts, let me see that I am curious to read trip!"
"Well, as you put them there, otherwise you came to do."

Ok, I do not remember what happened, But it was nice to tell.
Perhaps I should also put the sulphurous smoke into the room and a beam of light that catches me.

However, hundreds of colored post-it later, I did my part.
I wrote (in reverse) this book are three chapters of 24 pages that talk about death, God, mutation, teeth, blood, fairy tales, shit and carnival.
The usual things.
will come out sooner or later, you do not know how, but do not know where it comes out.
Below is an excerpt and two drawings.

Any information to come.

Page 2:
Silence, please.
We are about to begin.
Do not get comfortable, it's useless.
not try to prepare you for what you are going to attend, it is impossible.

Page 3: (Morgue and Bimbo)
Morgue: Welcome to the loyal subjects of the realm of the gaze.
You are here for!
Why I'm here to show.
Bimbo: as you are boring

Page 4:
panel 1: (Morgue): major properties of language to a dwarf who is believed zorro
panel 2: (Morgue): What a good boy, you have also brought an apple to your teacher
Vignette 4: (Morgue): Gentlemen!
The show that I am going to show you is the most noble and benevolent you will ever see.

Page 5:
(Morgue) exhausting the simplicity of being alive.

Page 6: - no-

Page 7:
Tom: Now, I know that I do not think Bob
Bob: In fact, Tom, if you're going to tell me another one of your stories ...
Tom: No Bob, I swear this is true.

Page 8:
panel 1: (Tom) In short, they called us yesterday. In the evening, I say. We have called the relatives of a guy who had not heard for two weeks, no?
panel 2: (Tom) Well, I mean, come. The entire scale was plagued, there was that smell ... really, you could not stay. Residents thought it was some pipe exploded, had also called bleeding ...
panel 3: (Tom) and instead, when the firemen broke down the door, found our guy. There sText. The coroner says that when he finished with his face in the bowl was still alive, though unconscious.

Page 9:
(Bob): You are telling the truth, Tom?
(Tom): Yes Bob, I swear. That guy is drowning in the bowl of the dog. If he had not had the door if they would have eaten that poor beast.

(Bob): Yeah, Tom. There are more things in heaven and earth ...
(Tom): What, Bob?
(Bob): I do not know, I never remember how it ends ...

Page 10:
(Tom) I read about an octogenarian who has committed suicide by hanging from a rope in his kitchen
(Tom) had only to wait a little and avoided the trouble of climbing on the stool
Page 11:
(Baby) But how do you know these things, Lord ?
(Morgue) How do I? Have told me.
(Bimbo) ... But
(Morgue) I have many friends, I, you know?

Page 12 panel 1: (Morgue) Once a guy told me that he died
Life is like falling, until you are flying is OK
panel 2: (Morgue) wake up in the morning. Set your alarm, scroll to the newspaper, make money, looking for someone, have children, drive a car, rent DVD, choose your fabric softener
These things do not prepare you to touch the ground. You do not know when it will happen, and even if you could know, that would be different? What you can do to prevent your brain exploded mingle with the faeces that are inside your gut?

Page 13:
panel 1: (Morgue) So when you realize that he is alive, you feel the ants on my back.
panel 2: (Morgue) Understand that
panel 3: (Morgue) You can make a prediction, but whether you win or lose whether you
Vignette 4: (Morgue) Your ticket is enjoying the other guy.